Hand Rejuvenation

Hand rejuvenation utilising cosmetic non surgical treatments are effective at addressing the signs of ageing.  The hands are often one of the first areas to show the effects of ageing, including thinning of the skin, loss of volume, sun damage, age spots and visible veins.  Several treatments are available at Kaya Cosmedica to address these concerns.  To restore volume bio-stimulators  are utilised, which also has a benefit in improving skin quality. To improve skin texture and treat sun damage, treatments such as microneedling, medical peels, BBL, Spectra laser, bioremodelling treatments and skincare are effective.  Combination methods are used to achieve hand rejuvenation that will counteract both of the symptoms of ageing hands, loss of volume and skin elasticity.

What is hand rejuvenation with bio-stimulators?

Hand rejuvenation is a procedure which treats ageing signs in the hands, which can include hollows in the back of the hands, unsightly hand veins as well as loss of skin elasticity and tone.   Bio-stimulators are used to restore hand volume, providing patients with immediate results and relief of volume loss.  Bio-stimulators also stimulate your body’s production of collagen which helps restore the underlying structure and outward appearance of your skin with improvements in skin texture, and elasticity.

What symptoms does a hand rejuvenation treat?

Concerns addressed include

  • loss of volume on the back of hands
  • prominence of hand veins and tendons
  • crepey and thinning skin on the back of hands
  • sun damage to the back of hands
  • skin pigmentation

What is a hand rejuvenation procedure like?

Patients who see Dr Khinda or one of her trained cosmetic injectors for hand rejuvenation can expect a fast, efficient and safe procedure.  For volume restoration, bio-stimulators are injected using microcannulas superficially avoiding vessels and tendons.  Strands of the collagen stimulator are placed in areas of volume loss, with an immediate volumising effect.  There is minimal swelling and bruising after treatment.

When will I see the results of my hand rejuvenation?

Time taken to achieve results of hand rejuvenation treatments will vary according to the treatment.  With bio-stimulators, volumisation is immediate, however improvement in skin texture and crepiness improve over a period of 3 months, as collagen increases.  With skin treatments such as microneedling, medical peels, BBL and Spectra laser, it can take a few sessions to improve sun damage and the texture of the skin.

How long will my results last?

With volumisation of the hands with bio-stimulators, an additional treatment may required at 3 months to achieve the desired effect.  Results can last up to 12 months before re treatment is required.

What can I expect during recovery from hand rejuvenation with Bio-stimulators?

Immediately after your treatment, you will notice greater fullness in the treated areas which may be accompanied by some minor bruising and swelling that will quickly subside.  There may be residual swelling for up to a week, depending on your activity levels and hand use.  This will resolve in time.

Does a hand rejuvenation with bio-stimulators have any risks?

The main risk is temporary swelling and bruising.

Trust Kaya Cosmedica for Your Hand Rejuvenation Procedure

Bio-stimulators for the hands can restore lost hand volume immediately, especially on the more visible back of the hands, as well as restoring skin tone and improve the appearance of your skin gradually. Dr Khinda will consult with you to help you understand all your options and chose the one that best treats your most pressing skin care concerns.

Dr Khinda epitomises the phrase “patient focused,” tailoring custom treatments to improve her patient’s skin and restore their confidence. You can explore hand rejuvenation as well as other skin care options at Kaya Cosmedica. Schedule your complimentary, in-person consultation with Dr PK now. You can make your appointment quickly and easily online and start your journey towards beautiful and youthful hands today.

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