Acne and Acne Scarring Treatment

Acne is a common skin condition that affects people of all ages, and it can leave behind unsightly scars.  Acne and acne scar treatments encompass a range of therapeutic approaches aimed at managing acne breakouts, and minimising the long term scarring or skin damage caused by acne.

There are many options available, however it is important to begin the process with a detailed consultation with your practitioner at Kaya Cosmedica, and skin assessment using our Visia skin analysis system.  Individual factors such as Fitzpatrick skin type, underlying medical conditions and lifestyle factors play a big role in determining a customised management plan.


There are multiple factors that contribute to the development of acne.  These include:

  1. Excess production of sebum leading to clogged pores and acne
  2. Clogged pores as a result of dead skin cells combining with excess sebum clogging hair follicles
  3. Overgrowth of C.acnes bacteria/disruption of the skin microbiome
  4. Genetics
  5. Hormonal fluctuations during puberty, prior to menstruation, pregnancy and peri/menopause
  6. Diet including high glycemic index or high dairy consumption
  7. Stress
  8. Cosmetic products especially those that are oil or silicone based (comodogenic)
  9. Medications such as corticosteroids and progesterone
  10. Environmental pollutants and high humidity

It is essential to understand that the causes of acne can vary from person to person, and multiple factors may interact to trigger and worsen the condition. To effectively manage and treat acne, it’s crucial to consider these factors, and develop a tailored treatment plan.


Acne presents with a range of symptoms that can vary in severity from mild-moderate-severe.  Symptoms include:

  • Oily skin:  Either over the entire face, the T zone or jawline, as a result of excessive sebum production.
  • Pimples: Appear as small, red, raised bumps on the skin surface.  There are several types which include whiteheads and blackheads.
  • Blackheads: Open comedones that are clogged hair follicles that appear as small black dots on the skin.  The black appearance is due to oxidation of melanin when it is exposed to air.
  • Whiteheads:  Closed comedones that are clogged hair follicles that appear as small white/yellow bumps.  They do not allow sebum and dead skin cells to escape causing the white/yellow appearance.
  • Pustules:  Similar to pimples but contain pus.  They appear as white or yellowish bumps
  • Nodules: Larger, deeper and painful lumps that develop beneath the skin’s surface.  These can be quite tender to touch 
  • Cysts: These are the most severe form of acne lesion that are large, painful and pus filled.  They develop deep within the skin and often lead to scarring
  • Inflammation: Redness and inflammation in and around the affected areas that can be painful and tender.  The redness can take months to subside.
  • Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation:  After an acne lesion appears, it can leave behind a dark mark on the skin, especially in those with skin of colour.  These marks can take months to fade over time.
  • Scarring:  Severe or poorly managed acne can lead to permanent scarring which appear as depressions or raised areas.

Dr Khinda and her team of practitioners will work with you to address your acne concerns from a medical perspective, which may involve working with your nutrition and overall skin health beyond direct skin treatments. From premenopausal acne treatment to pregnancy-safe acne treatment, the team at Kaya Cosmedica will guide you through the options best suited to your situation.



All new patients are asked to attend an initial consultation so that their skin can be analysed and they can discuss their concerns and goals with the team at Kaya Cosmedica.  After this, an individual treatment plan will be recommended tailored to the individual’s needs and skin goals. Some treatments that may be recommended for acne are below, however, a full analysis is required before treatments can be suggested.


An effective acne skincare regime with key ingredients is important as a foundational treatment for acne.  Essential ingredients that we focus on include Vitamin A (retinol/retinoids), Niacinamide (B3), Alpha-Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) and Beta-Hydroxy Acids (BHAs) such as glycolic, salicylic and mandelic acid.  It is also important to not strip the skin and impair the skin barrier, and keep the skin hydrated.  Sunscreen is also essential to protect the skin from UV damage and hyperpigmentation.



Medical peels are exfoliating treatments that use chemical solutions to remove the outer layers of the skin, revealing the softer, healthier skin beneath. Kaya Cosmedica offer a wide range of formulations, including salicylic and glycolic peels. Treatments are tailored to the severity of your condition and desired results. Most peels are very comfortable and require little downtime.


Medifacials at Kaya Cosmedica can be beneficial to provide a deep cleansing treatment to target oily, congested and acne prone skin.  

Our dermal therapists can target your facial to acne-prone skin and perform extractions if needed.


LED light therapy can also be beneficial in treating acne, acne scarring, and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation issues. Kaya Cosmedica use the Omnilux system, the gold standard in this technology, offering many benefits to patients.

The Omnilux Blue neutralises the C. acnes bacteria, which reduces inflammation in the skin. Combining this treatment with the Omnilux Revive can produce a marked reduction in acne skin lesions. 


Microneedling is a minimally invasive skin rejuvenation technique where multiple fine needles are rapidly inserted into the dermal structure. This process creates many tiny puncture injuries that stimulate the body’s natural healing response, increasing collagen and elastin in the skin. Over time, this can lead to improvements in breakouts, enlarged pores, and more.

Dermapen 4 is Kaya Cosmedica’s microneedling device of choice. The needle depth and speed can be adjusted to make the treatment safe for delicate areas of the face, including around the eyes, nose and lips. This design leaves no facial area untreatable for our patients with acne.


Dermafrac is an innovative treatment combines microdermabrasion, which removes the outermost skin layers, with microneedling and a targeted serum infusion to produce dramatically healthier skin and relieve a wide range of problems. For this treatment, a clarifying solution is used that combines salicylic and lactic acid, which opens clogged pores and neutralises bacteria, minimising future breakouts.


Sciton’s BroadBand Light (BBL) photofacial technology delivers today’s most powerful intense pulsed light (IPL) treatment. Delivering short blasts of high-intensity light into the skin, BBL can stimulate collagen production, reduce redness and pigmentation, and minimise signs of ageing.

For those with acne, BBL’s Forever Clear treatment targets acne-causing bacteria, breakouts, and inflammation with a combination of blue, yellow, and infrared light. This treatment is suitable for clients of all ages (including teens) and skin types.


Dr Khinda can prescribe acne medications for patients who need a more targeted approach than over-the-counter products can provide. Topical options for mild acne include antibiotic medications and retinoids. Oral options for moderate to severe acne include antibiotics, retinoids, and hormonal treatments.

Sometimes, oral and topical medications can be used in combination. Acne medications can have side effects, so they are not recommended for everyone.



When cysts or nodules rupture, either on their own or when disturbed through skin picking, they will heal naturally but can often leave behind scar tissue, the natural and unavoidable result of the healing process. Even if you finally get your acne under control, you may have substantial scar tissue to manage.

Acne scars can often be worse than the acne itself because they are troublesome, time-consuming to conceal, and difficult to manage on your own.  The good news is that there are multiple treatments available at Kaya Cosmedica to help improve the appearance of scarring.  Treatment options depend on the type of acne scarring present.

The primary types of acne scarring include

  1. Atrophic scars
    1. Ice pick scars: Narrow, deep pitted scars that resemble small deep holes in the skin.  These often extend into the dermis of the skin and can be challenging to treat
    2. Rolling scars: Wave like or undulating scars that are broad and shallow.  These are typically caused by tethering of the deeper layers of the skin.
    3. Boxcar scars: These scars are wide and have well defined edges giving them a box like appearance.
  2. Hypertrophic scars: Raised, thick red or pink scars.  Develop as a result of over production of collagen during the healing process.  Common on the chest, shoulders and back
  3. Keloid scars: A type of hypertrophic scar that extends beyond the normal boundaries of the acne lesion.  More common in those with a genetic predisposition.
  4. Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation: Not a true scar.  Dark areas left on the skin after an acne lesion has healed due to increased melanin production during the inflammatory process.  These fade with time.
  5. Erythematous scars: Not a true scar. Flat, pink or red areas that develop after an acne lesion has healed as a result of inflammation.  These fade with time.



Medical peels can treat many forms of skin damage, including improving the appearance of acne scarring. During a chemical peel for acne scaring, a solution containing acids is applied to the skin, which causes the top layer of the skin to peel off. The type of peel that is best for you will depend on the severity of your acne scars and your skin type.


By promoting the production of collagen and elastin, microneedling with the Dermapen 4 device can help improve the texture and appearance of acne scars. As the new collagen and elastin fibres grow, they fill in the indentations caused by acne scars, leaving the skin smoother and plumper.


A more advanced version of microneedling adds radiofrequency (RF) energy to the treatment. RF microneedling can be particularly effective for treating acne scars because it can reach deeper into the skin than traditional microneedling. By heating these deeper layers, RF microneedling can promote collagen and elastin production and improve the overall texture and appearance of the skin. At Kaya Cosmedica, we perform RF microneedling treatments with the Lutronic Genius system.


Dermafrac can treat post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, a common condition that occurs when the skin produces too much melanin in response to inflammation, such as from acne. This excess melanin can result in dark spots or patches on the skin.

For PIH, the serum used during the Dermafrac treatment may contain ingredients such as vitamin C or kojic acid, known to brighten skin tone. These ingredients work by inhibiting melanin production in the skin, which can help reduce the appearance of dark spots and patches.


Subcision is an ideal treatment for depressed scars. It is a medical procedure performed on an outpatient basis and uses a specialised hypodermic needle to break the fibrotic strands that tether the scar tissue to the underlying tissue. This technique can help release the upper layers of skin and reduce skin depressions resulting from scarring. As the skin heals, more collagen and elastin are produced, naturally improving skin tone with better hydration.


Dermal fillers may also be used to smooth the skin where acne scar tissue has left depressions and become a cosmetic concern. While not a permanent solution, injectables immediately restore lost volume, creating smoother, more attractive skin, and, in addition, naturally boost collagen and elastin in the skin. This treatment can lead to long-lasting improvements in skin health and appearance.


TCA CROSS is the chemical reconstruction of skin scars (CROSS) with trichloroacetic acid (TCA). This treatment is used to diminish the appearance of ice-pick acne scars in patients of all skin tones. During a TCA CROSS session, the skin is cleansed, and a small amount of concentrated TCA is applied to acne scars using a toothpick. The TCA triggers a local inflammatory reaction that stimulates the production of new collagen.

Over time, the new collagen fibres remodel the skin and ‘fill in’ the scar. Most patients require three to six TCA CROSS treatments for maximum improvement. The recommended sessions may be scheduled at six– to eight-week intervals over six months. TCA CROSS is often used in combination with other scar treatments.


Tixel is a fractional rejuvenation treatment that uses heat to stimulate the skin’s natural healing response. This response includes the production of collagen and elastin, which can help fill in the indentations caused by acne scars. Tixel can also help improve the overall texture and appearance of the skin.

The Tixel system offers three treatment modes: ablative, non-ablative, and open-channel. The modes differ in intensity, expected downtime, and optimal number of treatments. The benefits can last one to two years upon completion of the treatment protocol.


Sciton’s BroadBand Light (BBL) technology is a very powerful and precise way to target the redness and pigmentation resulting from acne scarring. BBL’s blue-light spectrum targets acne-causing bacteria on the skin’s surface and in the sebaceous glands. With a yellow filter applied, BBL can help reduce redness and discolouration. An infrared light may be used to trigger the body’s natural healing process, targeting deep acne lesions.



To ensure longer-lasting results you must also ensure you are taking care of your skin between treatments in the clinic. Kaya Cosmedica offer cosmeceutical skincare to help you manage your skin condition from the comfort of your home and avoid triggering ingredients that can be found in other skin care products.

Our team of professionals will assess your skin to help you determine the best line and products for your needs. As a result, you can minimise both the presence of acne and the potential of acne scarring, with long-term results.


Acne-prone skin can be inflamed by various triggering ingredients in cosmetics. Synergie Skin’s mineral makeup is free of irritating factors like artificial fragrances and colours, talc, and chemical dyes. With non-comedogenic formulas, the products do not clog pores and cause further breakouts — in fact, they contain ingredients that can help improve skin health! The Kaya team offer makeup consultations to help you find the products that will be most suitable for your skin.


Supported skin starts from within. Alongside a healthy diet, a good skincare routine, and a physician-guided acne treatment plan, premium nutritional supplements can help you achieve your best complexion. Intrametica’s Purify Body Cleanse is formulated to promote gut and liver detoxification with a combination of bioactive botanicals. Taken once daily in a glass of water, Purify Body Cleanse may help support clear and radiant skin.


At Kaya Cosmedica, the team are committed to helping you enjoy clearer, healthier skin through acne treatment in Melbourne. The team at Kaya Cosmedica deeply understand the complexities of the skin and anatomy underlying effective treatments. When you combine proven treatments with experienced providers and a custom treatment plan, you stand the best chance of getting your acne under control.

To learn more about your options in acne, scarring, and skin health treatments, schedule your consultation using our convenient online booking platform or call 03 9329 9991 to book your appointment.


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