Anti-Wrinkle Injections vs. Dermal Fillers

We often see patients who are interested in injectables but don’t know where to start. You may understand the basics about wrinkle-relaxers and dermal fillers from your initial research, but if you don't really get the difference, we're here to help you decide which treatment is right for you. The answer could be one and the other, or both, depending on what you want to treat. Keep reading for the full scoop on anti-wrinkle injections versus fillers.

Anti-Wrinkle Injections vs. Fillers: The Goal

When it comes to the most basic functionality of these anti-ageing treatments, the clue is in the name. Wrinkle-relaxers work by relaxing muscles, while dermal filler works by “filling” (adding volume to) areas of the face. Anti-wrinkle injections are primarily used to treat “dynamic wrinkles” — lines that form in your skin when the underlying muscles contract to make a facial expression. We administer this type of injection directly into the muscle, which temporarily stops the muscle from moving and the skin from creasing. Dermal fillers are used to treat “static wrinkles” — lines that develop due to diminishing collagen production and skin elasticity. Because these lines are not caused by muscle contractions, they are visible even when the face is at rest. We soften static wrinkles by injecting filler into the skin below them.

Anti-Wrinkle Injections vs. Fillers: The Formula

Anti-wrinkle injections contain a purified form of a naturally occurring toxin. Although the word toxin might sound intimidating, doctors have been using this ingredient for decades for both cosmetic and medical purposes, and the most popular brand is backed by many years of research and studies. Dermal fillers come in a variety of formulations. At Kaya Cosmedica, we only use fillers made from a hydration-boosting substance found naturally in the skin. This ingredient attracts water to volumise the skin from within. Fillers can also help hydrate the skin and promote collagen production.

Anti-Wrinkle Injections vs. Fillers: The Uses

Anti-wrinkle injections are most commonly used in areas of facial expression, especially the crow's feet, horizontal forehead lines and vertical ‘11s’ between the eyebrows. Beyond wrinkles, their cosmetic uses include elevating the brows, enhancing the upper lip, correcting a gummy smile and facial slimming. Therapeutic applications include managing migraines, reducing teeth grinding and treating excessive sweating. Dermal fillers are remarkably versatile. As an anti-ageing treatment, they are used to soften wrinkles, restore volume to hollow temples and tear troughs, and rejuvenate the backs of the hands. For patients of all ages, they are a popular choice for lip augmentation, jawline contouring, nonsurgical rhinoplasty and cheek enhancement.

Anti-Wrinkle Injections vs. Fillers: The Injector

No matter what kind of injectable you choose, it’s critical to work with an experienced injector at a reputable cosmetic practice. Here at Kaya Cosmedica, we believe choosing a cosmetic doctor for your injectable treatment ensures the safest and most satisfying experience. Dr Parvin Khinda performs all cosmetic injections at our South Melbourne skin clinic.

Anti-Wrinkle Injections vs. Fillers: The Procedure

The procedural steps are similar for all injectables. Whether you are getting anti-wrinkle injections or filler, Dr PK will start by assessing your concerns, goals and anatomy to determine the most suitable areas of treatment. She will then cleanse your skin and mark the injection points. Dr PK uses a fine needle or cannula for injectable treatments to improve accuracy and maximise patient comfort. Anti-wrinkle injections are administered directly into the targeted muscle. Dermal fillers are injected below the skin surface. While you may feel a pinch from the injection, most patients find that these treatments are not overly painful. Ice, vibration or an anaesthetic may be options for analgesia.

Anti-Wrinkle Injections vs. Fillers: The Recovery

Anti-wrinkle injections and dermal fillers are both considered “lunchtime” procedures. This means you can expect minimal downtime, if any at all. You can return to work or social activities right after your appointment. To ensure the best results, Dr PK may recommend that you:
  • Avoid rubbing or applying pressure in the injected area
  • Wait at least 4 hours to apply makeup
  • Do not participate in intensive exercise or sports for 24 hours
  • Do not expose the area to intense heat (i.e., hot showers or saunas) or extreme cold.
A mild degree of redness and swelling can occur after cosmetic injections. Bruising may also occur, though less frequently. These effects are temporary and resolve on their own.

Anti-Wrinkle Injections vs. Fillers: The Risks & Side Effects

Risks associated with injectables are relatively mild and rare, especially when the treatment is performed by an experienced cosmetic doctor. The most common risks of injectables include swelling, redness and tenderness in the treated area, with a small chance of bruising or pinpoint bleeding. For a complete list of the risks and side effects of a specific treatment or product, please book a consultation with Dr PK.

Anti-Wrinkle Injections vs. Fillers: The Onset of Results

Anti-wrinkle injections need time to show results. Many of our patients start to see a difference as early as three to five days after treatment, and it may take up to two weeks for the treatment to reach its optimal effect. We recommend scheduling your anti-wrinkle appointment at least two weeks before an important event to accommodate this timeline. Dermal fillers produce preliminary results right away. The area will be plumper and smoother immediately upon injection. However, it can take up to four weeks for the filler to integrate fully into the tissues and achieve the final result. If you have a special occasion coming up, we recommend scheduling your filler appointment two to three weeks in advance.

Anti-Wrinkle Injections vs. Fillers: The Longevity

Anti-wrinkle injections and dermal fillers are temporary treatments. Both require ongoing maintenance to sustain results indefinitely. On average, wrinkle-relaxers last three to four months. Some patients find the duration of their results increases as they have more treatments, allowing them to wait longer between appointments. When the effect wears off, normal muscle movement returns. There is no way to reverse anti-wrinkle injections. Dermal fillers may last anywhere from six to 18 months after treatment, depending on the type of filler used and the area injected. Your pre-treatment wrinkles or facial shape will gradually reappear as the filler breaks down. If you wish to remove your filler, the treatment can be reversed with an enzyme injection.

Experience Advanced Anti-Ageing Treatments in South Melbourne

​​Anti-wrinkle injections and dermal fillers may seem similar at first glance – after all, they are both injected, convenient, minimally invasive, temporary and incredibly effective for the right person — but there is more to these treatments than meets the eye. For a knowledgeable consultation on your options for anti-wrinkle injections or fillers in South Melbourne, request an appointment with Dr PK at Kaya Cosmedica.