Which Acne Treatment Is the Best?

Acne is a complex condition with a variety of contributing factors and triggers. While some mild cases can be treated with good hygiene and over-the-counter products, the journey to clear skin can be long for patients with moderate and severe acne. 

We understand the frustration that comes with trying to manage difficult breakouts. Study after study has confirmed that acne affects more than one’s appearance; it can also affect your mood, self-esteem, self-image and quality of life. Studies also show that the longer acne lasts, the more likely it is to take an emotional toll.

Understandably, the patients we see at Kaya Cosmedia are eager to treat their acne as early and effectively as possible. This often leads to the question: which acne treatment is the best for me? 

No single solution is right for every patient, which is why our South Melbourne skin clinic offers a curated selection of acne treatments. Dr PK and her team will assess your skin and develop a customised treatment plan to clear your complexion.

Exploring Your Acne Treatment Options

Skincare Products

The first line of defence against spots and oily skin is optimising your skincare routine. Look for ingredients like retinoids, niacinamide, azelaic acid, salicylic acid and glycolic acid, and swap out pore-clogging products for noncomedogenic moisturisers and makeup. 

Many of these ingredients are available in nonprescription formulations that can easily be found in your favourite online or brick-and-mortar store. For higher concentrations of clinical-grade active ingredients, invest in high-quality cosmeceuticals found in cosmetic clinics like Kaya Cosmedica. Some of our favourite brands are SkinCeuticals and Synergie Skin.

A good skincare routine may be enough to clear a mild case of acne. For more challenging cases, a targeted skincare routine should accompany in-office treatments and/or prescription medications.


Adding premium nutritional supplements to your daily routine can enhance the benefits of a healthy diet and a physician-guided acne treatment plan. Intrametica’s Purify Body Cleanse is a superfood supplement containing bioactive botanicals clinically proven to support detoxification in the gut and liver. By enhancing the body’s natural processes, Purify Body Cleanse helps deliver clearer, brighter skin from within.

Prescribed Medications

If lifestyle modifications and over-the-counter solutions are ineffective, prescription medications may be the next step to explore. Prescription acne treatments may be administered topically (applied to the skin) or orally (taken by mouth). Dr Khinda can prescribe these medications for patients requiring a more targeted approach.

Topical Acne Medications

Mild acne may be treated with topical antibiotic medications that target certain types of skin bacteria. Topical retinoids may also be incorporated to decrease sebum production, increase skin cell turnover and reduce inflammation. The side effects associated with these products may include dryness, redness and irritation, so regular use of moisturisers and sun protection is recommended.

Oral Acne Medications

Moderate to severe acne can be treated with stronger prescription medications, many of which are taken orally. These include antibiotics, retinoids and hormonal treatments. In general, oral medications have more side effects than topical options, and they are not recommended for all patients. Some oral medications can be used in combination with topical medication for a multifaceted treatment approach.

Professional Skincare & Resurfacing Treatments

Resurfacing treatments exfoliate the skin, helping to remove excess oil and dead skin cells that can clog pores. This induced exfoliation is followed by cellular regeneration that leads to improved skin texture and appearance. Patients with acne scarring can also benefit from resurfacing treatments.

We utilise the following rejuvenating and resurfacing techniques for acne-prone skin: 

Synergie Skin Mineral Makeup

Synergie Skin’s mineral makeup is formulated without artificial fragrances and colours, making it a less irritating option for sensitive and acne-prone complexions. The products are non-comedogenic and rich in ingredients that improve skin health, including antioxidants, vitamins and nutrients. We offer makeup consults to assist you in finding the products that will be most beneficial for your skin.


Unlike spa facials, medifacials are delivered by skincare professionals with advanced training in aesthetic procedures and the basics of cosmeceutical science. These results-driven facials contain powerful, targeted ingredients designed to enhance skin health and minimise blemishes. Our dermal therapist performs medifacials tailored to acne-prone skin, as well as extractions if required.

Chemical Peels

Our medical-grade peels use chemical solutions to remove the outer layers of the skin. A series of BHA (beta hydroxy acid) peels containing salicylic acid can improve mild to moderate cases of acne on the face or body. Depending on the patient’s needs, superficial or medium-depth peels will be chosen. All skin types can be treated.


Microneedling (also called skin needling or collagen induction therapy) uses tiny needles to create micro-injuries in the skin. This triggers a wound healing response that releases growth factors and increases collagen production, which can help improve breakouts and acne scarring. At Kaya Cosmedica, we perform microneedling with the Dermapen 4 device or Dermafrac. 

Dermafrac combines microneedling with microdermabrasion and the simultaneous infusion of targeted serums. For patients with acne-prone skin, we utilise the Clarifying serum containing salicylic acid to open blocked pores and neutralise P. acnes bacteria. Microneedling helps the serum reach the optimal depth in the skin for maximum absorption and effect.

Light Treatments

Lasers and other light-based therapies can reduce acne, especially when incorporated into a comprehensive acne treatment plan. For the best results, most people need a series of treatments spread out over time, along with once or twice yearly follow-up treatments for maintenance.

At Kaya Cosmedica, we offer the following options:

LED Therapy

Omnilux LED therapy treats mild to moderate acne by delivering precise wavelengths of light into the skin. Omnilux Blue (415nm) emits blue light that targets P. acnes bacteria to reduce breakouts, while Omnilux Revive (633nm) emits red light that calms inflammation. Multiple clinical studies have demonstrated positive results from this combination.

BBL Photofacial

Sciton’s BroadBand Light (BBL) technology delivers the most powerful IPL treatments available. BBL photofacials reduce breakouts by eliminating acne-causing bacteria and diminish acne-associated redness for healthy, luminous skin. Treatment sessions are quick and convenient with no required downtime.

Determining the Optimal Treatment Approach

The best path to clear skin is a custom regimen designed by a medical professional. When you come to Kaya Cosmedica for a consultation, we will assess the type of acne you have and where your breakouts appear. We will also take note of:

  • Your skin type
  • Your age
  • Your lifestyle habits
  • Your current skincare routine
  • Any treatments you’ve tried previously 
  • Any co-occurring skin concerns you may have

This helps us create a personalised, safe and effective treatment plan.

A Clearer Complexion Begins With a Consultation

Get the care you need with providers you can trust at Kaya Cosmedica. Whether you have mild, moderate or severe breakouts, we’ll help you discover a personalised regimen of treatments that deliver the clear, healthy skin you’ve always wanted. Book a consultation to learn more.