Things A Good Injector Will Tell You

Over the past few decades, injectable treatments have soared in popularity. Today, cosmetic injectables are often deemed the most effective non-invasive way to restore volume, shape and balance to your appearance. Though dermal fillers and anti-wrinkle injections are widely performed and offered by various physicians and specialists, choosing the right injector remains the most crucial ingredient to any successful treatment. While skills, experience and artistry are essential factors, an excellent cosmetic doctor will also draw on ethical and moral principles to provide the best experience for their patients. With over 15 years of medical experience, Dr Parvin Khinda of Kaya Cosmedica performs injectable procedures with an in-depth understanding of facial aesthetics, a focus on holistic beauty and a commitment to honest and reliable service. No matter your age, stage of life or aesthetic goals, Dr Khinda offers every patient a genuine, welcoming and dependable cosmetic experience.

A Good Doctor Will…

Design an Individualised Treatment Plan

An experienced injector understands the importance of personalised treatment. In your initial consultation, a good doctor will take the time to analyse your facial structure, skin type and aesthetic desires to determine the most suitable procedure for your needs. This discussion should involve an in-depth and detailed conversation about what you hope to achieve and how your injector intends to realise these goals in harmony with your unique natural beauty.

Instead of making hasty or presumptuous suggestions, your injector should work with you to devise a plan that addresses your cosmetic concerns and caters to your desired outcome. This conversation may also bring to light alternative treatments that may be more suitable for you than injectables. In fact, if certain cosmetic concerns can be addressed with the right skincare products or other non-invasive medical-grade skin treatments, the right doctor will advise you of these options before suggesting the most profitable procedures.

Advise You of the Risks

Beyond their accreditation and experience, a good doctor will ensure that you are aware of the risks associated with injectables and will take every measure to avoid these complications. The face is a complex structure, anatomically consisting of fat, bone, nerves, veins, arteries and skin, with subtle differences in facial compositions depending on age, gender and cultural background. Your injector must be trained and educated in how to perform injectables in the safest and most secure method, with respect to your unique facial anatomy.

Around the world, nose and forehead fillers have accounted for a large proportion of the most catastrophic complication caused by injectables – blindness. These severe risks can become a reality for anyone who chooses an inexperienced or dishonest injector. In your consultation, a good doctor will outline all possible risks and side effects before explaining the steps they will take to prevent these complications from occurring during and after your procedure.

Inform You of the Limitations

Injectables are an excellent way to address mild to moderate cosmetic concerns, such as lack of shape, volume or definition in particular features or areas of the face. However, patients often have preconceived ideas of their desired look that, in reality, may not be entirely achievable with injectables. A good doctor will listen to your goals, envisioning your ideal profile, and advise you of what is and is not possible with fillers.

Though injectable treatments boast their benefits, they also have limitations. For instance, you may want bigger, more voluptuous lips or plumper cheeks. However, depending on your facial shape and structure, dermal fillers may not create the look you envision, and you might be left with an unsatisfying or unbalanced profile. Similarly, some patients believe that pumping injectables will turn back the clock and produce a dramatically younger appearance. In these cases, a good injector will inform you of what is not possible for your age or facial structure and will personalise your treatment in harmony with these factors.

Tell You When to Stop

In some cases, patients become accustomed to their enhanced look and seek more and more treatment as a result, often losing sight of what looks natural, balanced and aesthetically pleasing. A good doctor will tell you when you’ve had enough and will work with you to re-establish a baseline. At Kaya Cosmedica, Dr Khinda takes clear and simple before and after photos so that you can monitor your progress, assess the improvement and understand when you’ve reached the right look for you.

When seeking injectable treatments, it is not uncommon to relish your revitalised look and lose sight of your goals. For this reason, choosing a reliable and ethical injector is vital, as they will prevent you from going too far, making too many changes or disregarding your natural beauty altogether. Injectables aim to subtly modify and tweak your features to accentuate and restore your facial balance, symmetry and harmony. Only an unethical doctor will continue treatment once an ideal profile has been achieved, while the right injector will prioritise your appearance over profits for the most personally satisfying result.

Prepare You for Aftercare

The aftercare process is just as important as the treatment itself. A good doctor will walk you through what to expect as your skin heals and when you should begin to notice improvements. Instead of sending you on your way with no information, a reliable injector will provide you with detailed instructions on how to avoid complications and ensure an optimal aesthetic outcome.

At Kaya Cosmedica, Dr Khinda schedules complimentary follow-up appointments to ensure you are happy with your results and the effects have healed and settled as expected. She will take this opportunity to measure your satisfaction and modify your treatment schedule as required. Dr Khinda may recommend at-home techniques to help you enjoy these results for longer, and will work with you to determine when a maintenance treatment may be necessary. Just like your procedure, the aftercare stage will be customised to your lifestyle, concerns and aesthetic desires.

Combining Ethics with Experience at Kaya Cosmedica

At Kaya Cosmedica, Dr Khinda conducts all consultations, treatments and reviews in face-to-face appointments, always giving every patient her full attention. With over a decade of experience in cosmetic medicine, she has guided countless patients through their cosmetic journey to help them recapture and redefine their most natural beauty. Dr Khinda draws on advanced techniques, expert aesthetic vision and a commitment to patient education when performing injectable treatments. She creates naturally radiant results by helping patients understand the benefits, risks and limitations of fillers and working with them to establish realistic goals. To learn more about cosmetic treatments that can you help you achieve your best facial aesthetic and most confident self, click BOOK NOW to schedule your consultation today.