What Are My Treatment Options for Acne and Acne Scarring?

From over-the-counter cleansers and spot treatments, to powerful prescription medicines and in-office procedures, there are many effective acne treatments today. This does not mean that every solution works for every person who has acne, but it does mean that nearly every case of acne can be controlled when the right treatment approach is found. Those struggling with the aftereffects of severe breakouts also have many options at their disposal. Acne scarring can be reduced with a variety of nonsurgical procedures available at our South Melbourne skin clinic.

Acne Treatments

Although we often think of it as a teenage concern, acne can occur at any age. Our focus when treating acne is addressing the root causes of breakouts: clogged pores and P. acnes bacteria. We can do this with a variety of safe and effective treatment methods.

BroadBand Light

BroadBand Light therapy, also known as a photofacial, is a powerful IPL (intense pulsed light) technology. At the right wavelength, the light produced by the device attacks P. acnes bacteria in the pores and on the skin surface. Other wavelengths can minimise sebaceous gland activity to decrease oil production and help reduce redness.


Dermafrac combines microdermabrasion and microneedling with simultaneous serum infusion. For patients with acne, we utilise the Clarifying serum, which contains salicylic acid to open clogged pores and neutralise P. acnes bacteria.

Chemical Peels

BHA (beta hydroxy acid) chemical peels containing salicylic acid are effective in treating facial congestion and acne. As these are superficial peels, peeling and downtime are minimal, and all skin types can be treated.


Omnilux LED therapy utilises precise wavelengths of light to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes. Omnilux Blue produces blue light that targets P. acnes bacteria to reduce breakouts and calm inflammation. This treatment may be used in conjunction with Omnilux Revive, which emits a therapeutic red light.


Exfoliating the skin with microdermabrasion loosens surface skin cells, then suctions away the loosened cells and other debris. This helps clear out congested pores and minimises the appearance of enlarged pores while giving the skin a healthy, radiant look.

Medical-Grade Skincare

In addition to the professional treatments offered in our South Melbourne cosmetic practice, we also offer medical-grade skincare products to help you manage your skin at home. Our team will assess your skin to determine the best products for clearing your complexion.

Acne Scarring

The excitement of saying goodbye to acne is sometimes tarnished by the arrival of acne scars. Our treatments can help minimise the appearance of several types of acne scars as well as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH).


Microneedling (also called skin needling or collagen induction therapy) with the Dermapen 4 uses tiny needles to create micro-channels in the skin. The resulting wound healing response releases growth factors and boosts collagen production, which can help smooth out acne scarring. Microneedling works best for depressed, rather than raised, scars.


Utilising the same principle behind standard microneedling, Dermafrac creates superficial and controlled punctures in the skin with miniature needles. This triggers a skin remodelling process that can reduce the appearance of mild acne scarring.


Tixel is a non-laser fractional skin rejuvenation treatment. With a combination of heat and motion, the treatment stimulates the release of growth factors and new collagen and elastin growth. We use Tixel’s non-ablative mode to treat acne scarring.


Trichloroacetic acid (TCA), an ingredient used in some chemical peels, also forms the basis of a potent treatment for deep ice pick acne scarring. TCA CROSS (chemical reconstruction of skin scars) involves using a toothpick to deposit a small amount of TCA onto the scars. A series of treatments raise the scar to match the level of the surrounding skin.

Dermal Fillers

While not a permanent solution, dermal fillers can be used to smooth the skin where acne scars have created depressions. The filler immediately increases volume in the pitted area, raising it to align with the rest of the skin.

Collagen Stimulators

Injectable collagen stimulators jumpstart the skin’s natural collagen production mechanism. This helps the body fill depressed acne scars from the inside out. Maintenance with repeat injections is required, but in general, these are longer lasting treatments than dermal fillers.


A series of microdermabrasion treatments can help fade some types of acne scars. As microdermabrasion only addresses the surface level of the skin, it is suitable only for shallow acne scarring. It is not recommended for deep scars.


Subcision is a medical procedure that uses a specialised hypodermic needle to break up the fibrotic strands tethering acne scar tissue to the underlying tissue. This can help release the upper layers of skin and reduce depressions resulting from scarring.

Blemish-Free Skin Begins With a Consultation

At Kaya Cosmedica, we provide patients with clinically proven techniques that restore clear complexions by reducing acne breakouts and acne scarring. Our treatments are safe and minimally invasive with little downtime, and each one can be customised for individual requirements. Enquire today to schedule a formal evaluation of your unique acne or acne scarring treatment needs. We will be happy to provide you with detailed information on how each option can help treat your concerns and improve your skin for good.
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