What is a Liquid Facelift?

As we age, the natural contours of our face can change drastically. We may develop sunken cheeks, hollows around our eyes, lines on our forehead or creases around our mouth and chin. These changes aren’t just physical — they can make us look tired, angry and unapproachable to others, and make us feel like a less vibrant person.

The liquid facelift or ‘8-point facelift’ is gaining a great deal of attention as a nonsurgical alternative to the traditional facelift. This procedure offers patients a natural, fresh look with the benefits of immediate results and minimal recovery time.

What Is a Liquid Facelift?

The concept of restoring volume in the face with dermal fillers is now well-established, but techniques are evolving as aesthetic medicine specialists learn more about facial anatomy and the patterns of ageing. Today we are not limited to merely filling lines and creases — our ability to rejuvenate and beautify the face is much more sophisticated.

The liquid facelift originated in Brazil. São Paulo-based plastic surgeon Mauricio de Maio developed a technique for administering dermal fillers into specific areas of the face for total facial rejuvenation. With precise application, the filler creates a beautiful, naturally lifted, facelift-like result without invasive surgery. Dr Khinda has studied the 8-point technique and refined it based on her own extensive experience with fillers and other injectables.

What Fillers Are Used in This Procedure?

There are many injectables in a cosmetic doctor’s toolbox. Each one accomplishes different goals. Dr Khinda selects products like an artist selects paint brushes based on their distinct benefits and applications. Her choice of filler depends on the individual patient’s skin type, concerns and preferences, as per her commitment to ensuring each patient receives a personalised treatment tailored to their needs. At Kaya Cosmedica, Dr Khinda only uses premium-grade prescription fillers that are safe, non-permanent and reversible.

What Are the Benefits of the Liquid Facelift for Facial Rejuvenation?

  • Nonsurgical
  • Minimally invasive
  • Targets strategic areas
  • Restores lost volume, which a surgical facelift cannot do
  • No scarring
  • Safer than a surgical facelift
  • No downtime needed
  • Immediate results
  • Long lasting
  • Looks and feels natural

Who May Be a Good Candidate for a Liquid Facelift?

A liquid facelift is a great option for patients seeking natural freshness rather than drastic changes. The best candidates still have good skin elasticity but want to treat some combination of fine lines, wrinkles, hollow tear troughs, slight jowls and volume loss in the cheeks. Often, this means people in their 30s or 40s who don’t yet need a surgical facelift. A good result may still be possible in cases of more severe skin laxity, but more filler and possibly different techniques may be required for optimal results.

You must have a consultation with Dr Khinda before your first treatment, even if you have had this treatment or a similar treatment elsewhere. This ensures you are fully informed about the procedure and have no contraindications that would make proceeding inadvisable.

Where Is Dermal Filler Applied During the 8-Point Facelift?

You may be wondering where the ‘8-point facelift’ gets its name. During the procedure, dermal fillers are used to target eight key areas where signs of ageing commonly appear:

  • Cheekbones — to improve definition and structure
  • Mid-face — to revolumise
  • Tear troughs — to improve eyebags and hollowness
  • Nasolabial lines — to minimise deep folds
  • Mouth corners — to correct down turning of the mouth
  • Lower cheeks — to revolumise and reduce ‘accordion’ smile lines
  • Prejowl area — to address jowl formation
  • Jawline — to improve structure and reduce jowling

Because each person’s needs vary, there is not a single treatment approach for a liquid facelift. Dr Khinda will begin by assessing your face and determining how each of these areas should be treated to give you a natural and balanced result.

How Is a Liquid Facelift Performed?

Dr Khinda will clean your skin and apply an anaesthetic (topical, local or nerve blocks) to ensure you remain comfortable. Once it has taken effect, she will use a small cannula or a needle to administer the filler into the targeted areas. Cannulas are often preferred for these procedures because they reduce the risk of bruising and swelling afterwards, so you can go about your day with as little disruption as possible.

The procedure can take 30-60 minutes to complete based on the number of facial areas requiring treatment and the amount of filler needed.

Is There Downtime After a Liquid Facelift?

There is little or no downtime following a liquid facelift. The injections can cause mild swelling and bruising, but most patients will see these fade within a few days. Dr Khinda will provide you with detailed post-treatment instructions and safety information regarding dermal fillers. Restrictions may include temporarily avoiding makeup, heavy exercise, irritating skincare products, sun exposure and hot environments.

How Long Does a Liquid Facelift Last?

Preliminary results are immediate. However, it does take time — up to two weeks — for the filler to integrate fully into your tissues and settle into your final result. Dr Khinda can make adjustments at a follow-up appointment if necessary.

Multiple factors affect the longevity of your results. Some dermal fillers last longer than others, for example, and some areas of the body are more likely to break down fillers faster. In general, your refreshed look may last anywhere from six to 18 months after your treatment. Regular maintenance treatments will produce lasting rejuvenation.

What Other Treatments Can Enhance a Liquid Facelift?

Depending on your goals, your liquid facelift doesn’t haven’t to be limited to dermal fillers. Dr Khinda can incorporate other injectables, such as anti-wrinkle injections and fat-dissolving injections. Complementary treatments that address skin surface concerns like texture, pigmentation or acne can also be incorporated into your treatment plan for comprehensive rejuvenation.

Liquid Facelift Melbourne: The Evolution of Injectables

In today’s world, we want to look good and feel good — and we want to accomplish both of those things with as little fuss as possible. Before nonsurgical treatments sat at the forefront of the aesthetic industry, there were limited options beyond surgery for patients who wanted to reverse the hands of time on their face and skin. The advancement of the liquid facelift technique is changing the way cosmetic doctors achieve natural, radiant youthfulness.

At Kaya Cosmedica, Dr Khinda personally performs all consultations, treatments and follow-ups. Her commitment to maintaining the strictest ethical standards, combined with a passion for perfectionism and artistry, drive her stellar reputation in this field. Schedule a consultation by clicking the “Book Now” button, or fill out our contact form if you have additional enquiries.